Faculty Detail

Dr. Harmanjit Singh

PhD (IIM Kashipur)
Area:  Marketing


Email:  harmanjit[dot]singh[at]iimrohtak[dot]ac[dot]in
Phone:  01262-228517

Dr. Harmanjit Singh is an Assistant Professor in the Marketing and Strategy department at IIM Rohtak. He holds a PhD in Marketing from IIM Kashipur, where he examined the influence of user-generated content such as online reviews on consumer behavior in the fashion e-commerce domain.

He has published his research papers in reputed journals such as Computers in Human Behavior and International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. He has also presented his research papers at various national and international conferences organized by IIM Raipur, IIM Rohtak, IIM Kozhikode and University of Zaragoza, Spain. He serves as a reviewer for several academic journals listed in the ABDC journal quality list.

Dr. Singh’s current teaching interests are digital marketing, marketing management, pricing strategies, corporate governance and social responsibility, among others.

Dr. Singh’s current research interests include consumer intentions and behaviors in B2C relationships across different contexts such as e-commerce and retail outlets, among others. For instance, he is also exploring B2B influencer marketing as a potential research area.

1) Singh, H., Chakrabarti, S., & Utkarsh (2023). How do gratifications to read reviews and perceived reviewers’ credibility impact behavioural intentions in fashion e-commerce? A mediating-moderating perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 143(6), 107677. (ABDC ‘A’; Clarivate Impact Factor: 8.957)

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